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Southern Home Grown PMA

Birth, Postpartum and Wellness Services and Support

Every birth is special. Whether it takes place at the hospital or at home, each is beautiful and deserving of celebration. No matter how you birth your baby, your journey is sacred. Everyone can benefit from having an experienced Midwife walking with them on this path. 
Connecting birthing people with their birthing strengths, families with a powerful understanding of wellness and healthy solutions. Nurture yourself & your family with natures Southern Home Grown PMA Village Midwifery & Wellness!    
Contact me to learn more about our services, and how we can help you bring your own little miracle into this beautiful world.

Pregnant woman in nature
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About Me

Carisa Breakfield, CPM, LPN, CAT, is a dedicated birth guardian and midwife who believes in empowering individuals through homebirth and education.  With a strong belief in the power of birth and the importance of holistic care, Carisa is committed to supporting birthing individuals and their families every step of the way.

Carisa's journey in the field of birth support began in 2014 when she became a doula, providing invaluable support during the birthing process. Since then, she has continuously expanded her knowledge and skills. Her passion for maternal health led her to complete nursing school in 2017, followed by midwifery school in 2019. To further enrich her knowledge and skills, Carisa embarked on apprenticeships with five different midwives across various states, gaining a diverse range of experiences and perspectives.

Her extensive list of qualifications reflects her passion for holistic healing and wellness. With a deep reverence for spiritual and ancestral traditions, Carisa is an ordained Ceremonial Minister of First Nations Ministry. As a midwife, she acts as a sacred space holder and birth guardian. Ensuring that each individual feels empowered and supported throughout their homebirth journey. Carisa's extensive qualifications also include being a certified professional midwife, licensed practical nurse, a certified cannabis nurse, a certified full spectrum doula, an auriculotherapist, a biofeedback practitioner, and a master herbalist. She is certified in Basic Life Support (BLS) and Neonatal Resuscitation (NPR). Carisa is currently a candidate for Doctor Sacred Medicine (DSM), Doctor Natural Medicine (DNM), and Doctor Bioenergetic Medicine (BD) from the Institute of BioEnergetic Medicine (IBEM).

Carisa practices at Southern Home Grown's Good Vibes Village and Fresh Fire Holistic Medicine Lodge, which is home to Village Midwifery & Wellness. Located at 634 Mount Carmel Church Road in Foxworth, Mississippi, this healing ministry embraces the interconnectedness of the mind, body, and spirit, drawing inspiration from Native American teachings. Carisa's approach to care centers around holistic integrative therapies, utilizing natural medicine and bioenergetic feedback. By connecting birthing individuals with their inherent birthing strengths and providing families with a profound understanding of wellness and healthy solutions, Carisa strives to create a nurturing and empowering environment.

To schedule an appointment or inquire about fees, please message our page or reach out via email at or phone at (601)341-5835. For more information, visit www.villagemidwiferyandwellness,com and Southern Home Grown's Fresh Fire Holistic Medicine Lodge & Village Midwifery & Wellness operates as a private consultative membership association and is currently accepting applications for potential new members.

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Home: FAQ


How is a midwife different from an OB/Gyn?

A midwife specializes in low-risk pregnancies, and focuses on optimal health and prevention of common problems. Their training and experience allow them to optimize the health of both the birthing person and baby, ensure their continued safety, and recognize when problems arise. Midwives follow a model of care that views pregnancy and birth as a normal life event that does not require routine intervention.

Who can have a home-birth?

A home-birth is a safe option for people with low-risk pregnancies.

How is a home-birth different from a hospital?

At a home-birth your birth team is equipped to provide you with the same standard of care as physicians’ offices and hospitals, but in the private comfort of your own home, a supportive calm environment with less intervention. The ample one-on-one time spent prior to the birth with the midwife helps to prepare you and ensure a highly individualized experience and the most comfort during labor and birth.

Can I switch to a home -birth if I’m already seeing an OB? Do I need my OB’s permission to switch?

Yes, you may switch care if you are already seeing an OB. Your midwife will become your provider for your pregnancy on the day of your initial visit. It is okay if your OB is not supportive of you switching to a midwife. Prenatal care with a midwife is very different than traditional prenatal care from OBGYNs. Often there is very little, if any, wait time. Your appointment will consist of unrushed 45 minute one-on-one time with your midwife in your home, their office or in a community group setting, whichever you prefer. Children and family members are always welcome to join you and even participate in the experience. By the time you deliver your baby, you will have spent several hours of direct one-on-one time with your midwife.

Is out-of-hospital birth safe?

Yes. Home births are a safe alternative to the hospital birth for healthy, low-risk pregnancies.
Studies show that low-risk births attended by experienced midwives have equal or better outcomes with fewer interventions when compared to similar births in the hospital.
A midwife can recognize and treat many common issues that may arise during pregnancy, labor, and birth, and can assist in obtaining necessary medical care through collaborative treatment with a physician and/or nearby hospital when needed. 
During labor, midwives monitor both the birthing person and baby, and can provide things like fluids, antihemorrhagic medications, oxygen, resuscitation, and suturing. If an emergency does arise, or if the birthing person or baby requires more extensive medical attention, the midwife is prepared to initiate a timely and efficient transfer to a local hospital.

When is it too late to transfer into care?

We prefer clients to transfer in early pregnancy, around 12-16 weeks. However, we realize you may be further along and want to transfer now. Although there is no limit on how late you can transfer into care, we do need time to obtain your medical records, review and perform your initial visit.

Who will be at my birth?

During your labor, you will be attended by a midwife, one birth assistant and at times a student with your prior approval. We will make efforts to arrange for you to meet your birth team during your pregnancy, when possible. The midwife is responsible for your care throughout your entire time with us, but may delegate skill-appropriate tasks to the birth assistant such as taking blood pressure, assisting you with breastfeeding, etc…

What is provided for the baby?

❖ Complete head-to-toe newborn exam including weight, length, reflexes, etc…
❖ Vitamin K and Erythromycin Eye ointment if requested
❖ Pediatric Referral If requested
➢ This includes all of the information your pediatrician will want to know about your pregnancy, lab test, the birth and your newborn at the initial visit.
❖ PKU 

❖Hearing screen referral
❖ Glucose testing (if needed)
❖ Blood type and RH, along with other testing that may be required for babies born to Rh-mothers (cord blood)
❖ Help filing Birth Certificate and social security number 
❖ Weight checks and postpartum depression assessments for 12 weeks

What kind of care will my baby and I receive after delivery?

After the birth, we will remain with you at your home in our care for up to 3-6 hours, making sure you and your baby are stable before leaving your home. The midwife will be connecting with you frequently through a mixture of phone calls and HOME VISIT/appointments on days 1, 2, 3, 7-10 and 2, 4, 6, and 12 weeks postpartum. These first weeks with baby are so important and additional appointments can be made if necessary to ensure a supported transition.
During this time the midwife will perform health assessments for you and weight checks for your healthy newborn. In addition, she can make referrals if necessary.

What happens if I transfer out of your care?

A home-birth is for low-risk deliveries. Your midwife performs ongoing risk assessments to ensure you receive appropriate and safe care throughout your time with us. Should risk-factors arise you will be transferred to a physician or hospital. The financial aspects of this are outlined in your financial contract, but basically you are only billed for the services provided up to the time of transfer. If you are transferred during the labor/birth, the midwife will remain with you. All clients > 37 weeks will receive postpartum care from the midwife, even if a hospital transfer was required. There will be no refunds after 37 weeks due to continuation of care.

Fees and Discounts:

The typical uncomplicated hospital birth cost more than $15,000! In addition to paying your physician during pregnancy, you should expect a variety of in and out-of-network bills to trickle in after the birth.
These bills include:
❖ Hospital Delivery Fee
❖ Labs and medication fees
❖ Separate bills from the anesthesiologist and possible nurse anesthetist in addition to the medications (epidural)
❖ Newborn care fees
❖ Pediatrician in-hospital visit fee
❖ Postpartum car expenses

You will not be getting any surprise bills from us!
We offer discounts, payment plans or you can choose to pay our affordable flat rate cash-pay fee.

Most families will pay less out of pocket for a home-birth than for a comparative hospital birth. In some cases even less than your insurance deductible.

Your fee includes:
45-60 minute appointments for complete prenatal, birth and postpartum care including home visits at certain points in your journey, as well as nutritional counseling, risk assessment, some diagnostic testing, birth preparation, newborn care education, help with birth certificate filing and family planning consultation.
It does not include:
Fees for additional lab work, doulas, ultrasound(s), physician consultation, non-emergent medications, hospital care, emergency transportation or the cost of a few supplies you are asked to purchase for your birth.

How payments work:

❖ $1000 deposit due at initial visit (applied towards total fee)
❖ $300 Initial Visit Fee due at initial visit (applied towards total fee)
❖ $250 minimum payment at each visit until balance is paid. This balance will be divided up by the remainder of time left in your pregnancy. There is a discount if paid in full by 36 weeks. 

Methods of Payment:
❖ Cash
❖ Check
❖ Credit card
❖ Gift certificates
❖ Paypal add 4% fee
❖ Venmo

❖ Zelle
Bartering on a case-by-case basis.

What do I expect when you come into care?

If your pregnancy is considered low risk and you dream of a birth in a calm supportive environment, where you are free to move, eat, drink, and labor how you see fit. A home birth could be just right for you… 

Here we help you explore your options. By helping guide you in finding ways to tap into your body’s primal instincts to birth, creating a calm peaceful, supportive environment that your body can do what comes naturally; allowing your body to do what it knows to do in a safe calm peaceful home environment. 

Home birth clients are much more likely to have a vaginal birth, less likely to have medical interventions and are more likely to continue breastfeeding!

What’s included in care with your Village Midwife: 

  • 24-hour midwife on-call from 37 weeks on— Not an answering service!

  • Holistic prenatal and postpartum appointments that are 45-60 minutes in length

  • Nutritional counseling

  • Health & risk assessment

  • Birth Planning

  • Breastfeeding education and support

  • Newborn care education

  • Family planning consultation

  • ….and much more


  • Comfortable prenatal room with an inviting, a home-like feel for Community group or private one on one prenatal care. 

  • Children are welcome to attend appointments

  • Appropriately scheduled appointments = very little, if any, wait time 

  • Unrushed environment with time for you to to ask questions or explore concerns you may have

​Also during routine prenatal…

  • Urinalysis

  • Vital signs such as weight, blood pressure, temperature, etc..

  • Monitoring baby’s heart rate and determining its position

  • Measuring the size and growth of your uterus (fundal height)

  • Dietary counseling 

  • Professional referrals as needed (OB/GYN, chiropractor, massage therapist,  etc..)


  • The familiar comfort of your own home, bed, and environment with plenty of space to labor freely. Not having to leave the comfort of your own home

  • Birthing aids such as yoga swing, birth ball, peanut ball, tens unit, etc…

  • Freedom to go outdoors for a walk during labor, if desired

  • Birth tub available for water immersion in labor and your own shower for pain relief

  • Assistance with natural techniques for comfort. Supportive environment!

  • Eat and drink in labor- NO routine IVs!

  • Deliver in whatever position you feel comfortable

  • Delayed cord clamping, first hours uninterrupted skin-to-skin and dim lights for baby are all routine

  • Partner can be hands-on during the birth, if they choose!

Also during the birth…

  • Evaluating fetal heart tones

  • Monitoring of vital signs

  • Vaginal exams, if necessary or requested. Delivery of the baby in your own warm, calm birthing environment

  • Perineal inspection and repair, if necessary

  • Complete newborn exam including weight, measurements, vital signs, etc. and administration of newborn medications upon request. 

  • Emergency medical equipment available, medications for bleeding, oxygen and resuscitation equipment for both birthing person and baby, Lidocaine also available for laceration repairs.

  • CPR and NRP certified 

  • Homeopathies, herbs and essential oils available for non-emergencies

  • In the instance that you or baby may require more extensive medical attention, timely transport will be initiated, and your midwife will accompany you to the hospital


  • There is no packing all you things to head home because you are already home

  • Ample support from your birth team!

  • Phone calls, home visits and office visits to ensure a successful and supported transition into parenthood.

    • Day 1 phone call

    • 24 hour visit

    • Day 3-4 visit

    • Day 7-10 visit

    • Day 10-14 visit

    • 4 week phone call

    • 6 Week visit

    • 12 week visit

    • any other visits as necessary

  • Birthing person and baby vitals, emotional assessments, breastfeeding assessment, lots of time to ask questions or explore concerns you may have

  • Professional referrals as necessary, including lactation support and postpartum depression screening ... Also during postpartum,,,,

  • Help filing for the birth certificate and social security card

  • PKU test done and hearing screen referral, Pediatric referral if requested

I'm ready to book my Initial Appointment. What do I expect?

What to expect at your Initial visit....
Prior to the appointment:
● If you have had any appointments, bloodwork, or ultrasounds with another healthcare provider during the current pregnancy, please contact them and request to either: 1) have your records faxed to Southern Home Grown Midwifery & Wellness (FAX #: 769-280-1103), 2) pick up a copy of your records in person and bring them to your first appointment, or 3) have records sent by mail to me at the following address: Southern Home Grown Midwifery & Wellness, 634 Mount Carmel Church Road, Foxworth, MS 39483.
● Please follow the link to registration for your MobileMidwife portal and complete the initial information. This link will be sent to you in an email. The initial information will include a health, gynecologic, and pregnancy history. Please read over the forms in the document section of your portal. Do not sign at this time as we will go over these and sign at this appointment.
● If not paid prior to the initial appointment, the $1000 non-refundable deposit is due at the initial prenatal appointment as well as your initial visit cost of $300 for a total of $1300 due at your initial visit. This will be deducted from your total package price. 
● We accept cash, Zelle, Paypal bank transfer, Venmo, or Cashapp. I can process debit or credit cards, however there is a 4% charge for this service.

Initial appointments typically last about 1.5 hours. During the appointment, we will:
● Discuss any records from a previous healthcare provider during the current pregnancy.
● Discuss your health history paperwork.
● Discuss and sign consent to care documents, financial contract, PMA membership agreement, and HIPAA disclosure.
● Discuss how and when to contact the midwife.
● Discuss nutrition, supplements, and habits for a healthy pregnancy.
● Discuss prenatal testing options and ultrasounds.
● Typically perform any lab work, sometimes I will do this at the second appointment instead.
Staying well hydrated on the day of your first appointment can help blood draws to go more smoothly.
● Perform a urine test, assess mom’s blood pressure, pulse, and temperature.
● Listen to baby’s heartbeat, assess uterine growth, and If 28 weeks or beyond assess baby’s position.

What now?

If you feel home-birth is not a good fit for you, no worries, we still have you covered. Ask us about our Village Birthing options.

If you are not quite ready for an out of hospital birth just yet, ask us about our MONTRICE SERVICES. This is a great option if you would like to labor at home as long as possible.

If you are interested in some help with pain management, birth education, and an advocate in your corner providing you with information so you can make informed decisions at your birth than check our DOULA SERVICES.

Baby holding parent pinky finger

Our Services

How we can Assist

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Young Mother

Childbirth Education Support

Through special classes tailored to each individual’s educational needs we will learn though hands on interactive experiences. I’m always available to contact by phone/email throughout and will provide everything you require to make sure your experience is as calm and positive as possible, from group class to private in home sessions we are here to support your needs.

Birthing Guidance of a Montrice

Get extra personal support throughout the entirety of your birthing journey. As a Montrice, I promise to offer unwavering support to you and your family before, during, and after birth. I will stay in close contact in order to routinely check how you’re doing and offer anything needed. If you are planning a hospital or birth center birth we are there to help you stay home as long as possible before having to travel to your birth location.

Expectant Couple

Prenatal Care

 I want you to understand the changes in your body, how to care for yourself and your growing baby, and how to prepare for giving birth. I encourage you to have your partner, other children, and any family or friends that will be with you at the birth to come to your visits whenever possible.

 At nearly every visit we will cover some aspect of pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum, or parenting education in the book you were given at your first visit. Additionally, you can expect recommended reading, teaching times, and movie viewing to promote discussion. You will be in control of your pregnancy and birth. We will work together as a team to see your sweet baby earth side in to your arms. 

Postpartum Support

From our initial meeting all the way through your pregnancy and delivery, we take the time to get to know you, your concerns and your needs. I’m available to contact by phone/email/chat throughout and will provide everything you require to make sure your experience is as calm and positive as possible. Support after the birth is key to a healthy postpartum period.

Mother and Baby


Experience the beauty of bringing your baby into the world in the comfort of your own home with our Village Midwife. From personalized care to creating a peaceful environment, our midwife ensures a safe and empowering birth experience. Say goodbye to routine medical interventions and hello to natural empowered birthing. Embrace the benefits of decreased interventions, increased privacy and freedom to move during labor. Choose to birth in a supportive and safe environment with your Village midwife there to help guide you every step of the way.

Wellness Services 

Experience personalized wellness services and labs. From prenatal care, postpartum support, wellness panels and bioenergetic scans, we provides holistic care for people at every stage of life. Discover the benefits of working with us. Individualized attention, empowering education, and a focus on natural, evidence-based care.

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Contact us to learn more about all of the services that we offer.

Pregnancy Dress

Client Portal Registration

Following your complimentary free consultation with us and your decision to proceed with our Midwifery care services, we kindly ask you to access the link provided below to register for your exclusive MobileMidwife client portal. Here, you will be able to complete the initial information required, encompassing your detailed health, gynecological, and pregnancy history. We recommend reviewing the forms available in the document section of your personalized portal. During our first meeting, we will thoroughly review and sign off on these on-boarding documents. Thank you for trusting us to walk with you on this amazing journey!

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"Every birth is a revolution; a sacred dance between mother, child, and the universe. Embrace the rhythms of nature, and surrender to the primal power within you."

- Bob Marley

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Service area within 2 hours of Foxworth, MS

Phone: 601-341-5835

Fax: 769-280-1103

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